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Building an App? 5 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself  

July 25, 2023 | Mobile App
Building an App? 5 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself  

Every time a client approaches us at Eagle IT Solutions for the first time and tells us they want to join the app business, we try to make it easier for them in all aspects. That’s because we understand the thrill and potential of bringing an app idea to life. That’s why before embarking on this exhilarating journey, we always encourage our clients to introspect and ask themselves some essential questions.

This thoughtful process ensures that they are fully prepared to venture into the dynamic realm of the app business, maximizing their chances of success. After all, their success is our success. So, in that case, we have compiled some important questions you must consider before diving into app development.

You can move forward with your dream and turn it into a reality by answering all these questions: 

  • What’s your vision for success? 
  • Which platform suits your goals best? 
  • Capable yourself or do you need a team? 
  • What’s your financial plan? 
  • Beyond launch: What’s next? 

1. What’s Your Vision For Success? 

Every successful app begins with a clear set of goals. Before you delve into the exciting journey of app development, take a step back and define the primary purpose of your app. Are you aiming to increase brand visibility, drive sales, provide a valuable service, or enhance customer engagement? Understanding your goals will be the foundation for your entire app development strategy. It will guide every decision, from design aesthetics to functionality and user experience.  

2. Which Platform Suits Your Goals Best? 

Here you might jump and answer, “I want to support all platforms.” But depending on the answer to the previous question, that might not be the right answer for you. Users in a diverse digital ecosystem interact with apps on various platforms, such as iOS, Android, or web-based platforms. It’s essential to identify which platforms your target audience predominantly uses and tailor your app development accordingly.

Assessing your target audience’s preferences and behavior will enable you to decide whether to develop a native app for a specific platform or opt for cross-platform development to reach a broader user base. Focusing on the platforms that matter most to your users will boost your app’s visibility and make it relevant for search engine rankings.  

3. Capable Yourself or Do You Need a Team? 

Before developing an app, it’s essential to understand what aspects you can handle yourself and what areas might require assistance, especially if you lack technical expertise. As a non-tech-savvy person looking to develop an app, you can begin by identifying the app’s purpose, target audience, and unique selling points. Conduct thorough market research to understand your competition and potential user needs.

Additionally, you can create a detailed outline of the app’s features and user interface. However, when it comes to technical aspects like coding and programming, seeking help from an experienced and professional app development company is crucial. They can guide you through the app development and handle the coding process. 

Moreover, you might also need assistance designing the app’s user experience and visual elements to ensure a seamless and appealing interface. Also, there are other things that you’ll need help from professionals, such as customer support, project management, and marketing or social media. Collaborating with a team of experts will save time and effort and ensure the app’s success in a highly competitive market. Remember, hiring an app development company is a smart move to turn your app idea into a reality without compromising its quality and functionality.  

4. What’s Your Financial Plan? 

This question is very important and will directly affect the previous answer. App development, like any other business initiative, comes with associated costs. Defining your budget from the outset ensures you don’t overshoot your financial limits. Break down the costs involved in different stages of app development, including research, design, development, marketing, and ongoing maintenance.

Be realistic about your financial capabilities and remember that investing in quality app development is an investment in your business’s success and future growth. A well-designed app that meets user needs will generate positive reviews and interactions. This will lead to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.  

5. Beyond Launch: What’s Next? 

App development doesn’t end with the launch; it’s an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Before you release your app to the world, have a comprehensive post-launch plan. How will you gather user feedback and reviews? How to address bug fixes and introduce updates? Do you have a promoting plan to reach your target audience? Your post-launch strategy plays a vital role in maintaining user engagement, driving app downloads, and ultimately impacting search engine rankings. Positive user reviews and app usage metrics signal to search engines that your app is valuable and relevant, contributing to improved search rankings.  


Before delving into app development, defining clear goals, choosing the right platform, assessing your capabilities, setting a realistic budget, and planning for post-launch activities is vital. Addressing these essential questions can increase your app’s chances of success and turn your dream into a reality. At Eagle IT Solutions, we stand ready to support you throughout this exciting journey, answer all your questions, and ensure your success becomes our success.  

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